May 212011

Taxi from Hotel to Lopburi Train Station: 200 baht

Bottle of Water: 20 baht

One Pen and a Pack of Gum: 15 baht

Train Tickets to Phitsanolok (2nd class air conditioned car): 786 baht

Lopburi Ruins Park Entrance: 200 baht

Bottle of Water: 20 baht

Bottle of Pepsi: 10 baht

Motor Cart Ride from Phitsanolok Train Station to Phitsanolok Bus Station: 50 baht

Bus Tickets from Phitsanolok to New Sukhothai (air conditioned bus): 78 baht

Dinner at Dream Cafe in Sukhothai: 600 baht

One night at Ruean Thai Hotel: 1200 baht

TOTAL: 3179 baht

 Posted by at 1:27 pm