Jun 142011

This place is located on the tourist strip of Chiang Rai, along with all the other fleece-the-tourist places.

It absolutely sucks. Avoid it.

It is crazy expensive. Flip the menu, and everything is in the 200 baht and 300 baht range – and up.  For comparison, you can get a dinner for two, with beer, for the mid-200 baht range in most all of Thailand.

So, what did we get…

A “pizza” that was a crust with a very light sprinkling of vegetables – without tomato paste, by the way. I reckon you can attribute some of this to the Thai staff’s lack of knowledge of vegetarian and vegan pizzas, but it was still a pretty shitty performance.  It was more akin to a cracker with vegetable flavoring than a vegetarian pizza.

We also got two one-liter pitchers of draft Singha beer.

For this, we paid 500 baht. That’s a freakin’ fortune in Thailand. You can stay in an air conditioned hotel room with private bath for that much baht.

I think we saw the “Old Dutch” while we were there. He was the old Anglo dude sitting at an outside table, with his beer in an ice bucket, getting top-end treatment by the kids running the place.  He was also the dude getting bossed around by the old Thai woman who showed up a bit later, and then started bossing the young kids around. The “Old Dutch” looks to be a bit pussy-whipped.

Avoid this place. It sucks. Food sucks. Prices suck. Bad

Jen here… I know the photo is not of the the Old Dutch Restaurant, but we didn’t take one…and, well, the toilet is a great representation of the place.  It sucked…bad.  I think if Dan and I would have been more proactive and gone back into the kitchen to show the “chef” what we were after, things would have been OK. But, we didn’t.  No matter how many times this happens to us, it astonishes me!  Why can’t people wrap their heads around NO MEAT without serving you CRAP?

 Posted by at 9:55 pm