Jan 172011

So, over four hours with delays in our Go! Mokulele flight. First a delay to 1pm, that became 1:30, which became 2:00, which became 3:30; at which point we had had enough. So I pulled our bag and we went to Hawaiian Airlines and bought tickets from them.

Go! says the problem was a single plane with mechanical problems. This screwed up their schedules. Well, only one plane screwing things up doesn’t show much depth. And it wasn’t just flights to Maui – it was all islands with delays and cancellations.

Go! sucks. One of their agents even had a case of the ass when she was queried on the problem. Oh, and they didn’t communicate much of jack as the day wore on.

So, Go! cost us:
Five hours of our lives.
$7 extra parking.
$7 in water lost on back and forth through TSA screening.
About $530 in additional plane fares.

I think I will never fly Go! again.

Or is that try to fly Go! again?

 Posted by at 3:00 pm