Oct 222011

Angkor Thom Restaurant is located on the same street as one of the two Smokin’ Pot restaurants and the Madison Pub.

Angkor Thom has more Western selections than most places (veggie burgers, for example). It does not have as many Khmer and Thai options as most places (no spicy salads or tom yam, for example).

It is definitely trying to cater to Western tourists, like most everywhere we have eaten in Battambang. A handful of other Westerners were seated when we stopped for lunch, perhaps more than usual due to many places opening late on Sundays.

The restaurant is clean, neat, and attractive. The staff was courteous and attentive.

Since they were available, we had the veggie burgers with fries. They were pretty unremarkable. To the degree a place can be judged by veggie burgers, the restaurant is not a culinary Mecca. (Then again, Jen and I have had some pretty impressive veggie burgers in our time; and you could argue that failure to do a good burger requires some effort.)

Pricing at the Angkor Thom is about 50% higher than pricing at our bellwether, The Smokin’ Pot. It ran us US $12.75 for two burgers with fries, a large water, a coke, and two small cans of beer. Lunch at The Smokin’ Pot – with two dishes, rice, a large water, and two large Singha beers (the equivalent of four small cans) – runs about $US 7.50.

Overall, Angkor Thom strikes us as a marginal place, particularly for the price. It wasn’t bad, but I doubt we’ll eat here again.

The Smokin’ Pot remains the place to beat in Battambang.








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