Dec 262011

This is a fairly expensive beer by Spanish standards, in that it costs about US $1.50 to buy a 12 ounce bottle in a discount store. For comparison, the predominant Spanish beer, Cruzcampo, comes in liter bottles and costs a third as much per volume.

The first thing I noticed about this beer was the absence of hops aroma.

The second thing was what I consider excessive sweetness, which can result from too little hops bitterness to offset the sweetness of the malt. Thus, perhaps, the lack of hops aroma – even the little bit of aroma that is derived from bittering hops.

The third thing I noticed was rice and corn on the ingredients list, making this not a pure beer.

Without the cost, I would be unlikely to buy this beer again. With the cost, I am certain to not buy this beer again.

It rates a Pour it Down the Sink.

 Posted by at 4:09 am