Feb 032012

Cruzcampo is, perhaps, the most prevalent beer we have encountered in Spain.   It is on tap in every bar and restaurant.  It is advertised on the signs outside those bars and restaurants.

So, is it any good?  Well, it’s sold in liter-sized bottles, and that pretty much says everything.  No good beer comes by the quart.

Months of bad beers in Southeast Asia and Australia have increased my tolerance for poor brews.  If I had come straight to Spain from the States, I would have been incapable of stomaching Cruzcampo.  As it is, I can drink it easily.   Necessity has lowered the bar.  At least Cruzcampo doesn’t give me the chemical adjunct headache that I get from its American counterparts, Budweiser and Miller.

Cruzcampo rates a “Pour it Down the Sink,” unless you are within the territorial boundaries of Spain, in which case it must be awarded a “Drink it if There’s Nothing Better in the Fridge,” as better alternatives are hard to find.

 Posted by at 12:34 pm