May 272011

At first we didn’t know the name of this place, and started calling it, “The Best Restaurant…Ever.”  Now we know it’s called the Kwan Khao Restaurant.

This place is super great.  Not at first, though…

At first…just a day ago…they weren’t sure what to do with vegans or vegetarians. We got a vegetable stir fry thing that was marginal.

That night, we returned and got a vegetable soup that was marginal.

But the next day! Oh, my! They had ramped it up! Someone had obviously been thinking about cooking vegan.

For lunch, there was this stir-fried greens with garlic dish. Crazy good.

That night, for dinner, there was this fantastic curry soup that was tangy-spicy.

The joint is about a hundred meters north of the Thasongyang Hill Resort on Highway 105, around kilometer marker 85 in Tak Province. That’s just about two kilometers north of the town of Tha Song Yang.

It’s a family run place. The husband cooks, the two daughters wait and bus, and the wife tells everyone what to do. The wife is also good at schooling you on some Thai words, which is much appreciated.

The tables are situated on a deck on a pond.

We love this place and these people. We thought about sticking around longer just to eat here and interact with them some more.

Go there. Eat there.

 Posted by at 4:34 am