Jan 182017

We were traveling through Twizell and needed something for lunch. We drove around for a few minutes, settling on the Razza Bar and Cafe.

The interior has two large rooms. One has several tables for eating. The other is obviously the bar area, and has the register where you place your order and pay your tab. Outside is a covered deck with picnic tables.

We placed our order with an older gentlemen sitting and reading at the register: one draft beer, one rum and coke, and an order of fish and chips. He was not particularly friendly, unfriendly, or enthusiastic — a neutral, old, gruff sort of guy. He told us to sit where we wanted and he would bring our drinks.

We walked through the place looking for the best table.  A middle-aged male customer was inside the bar area, nursing a beer. Two male customers were at a table on the front deck, drinking beer and finishing lunch. A backpacker couple sat at another outside table, waiting for a pizza. We sat at a table next to them.

What seemed a long time later, the old guy brought our drinks, put them on the table, and left without a word.

Then the fish and chips arrived, brought by a woman who looked Southeast Asian. The restaurant advertises Thai food.

The fish and chips were greasy and bland, like most fish and chips. They were neither good nor bad as fish and chips go.  They came without ketchup, and there was none on the table.

I walked inside to the register, where two young girls were buried in their smart phones. I asked one of the girls for ketchup. Without looking up from her phone, she told me it was around the corner on the buffet. I looked and there was no ketchup. I told the girl this, and that got her to put her phone down and tell her sister to bring a bottle of ketchup from the kitchen.

This was not a place we would revisit. The owner and his crew saw customers as distractions their papers and smart phones — at least that’s the feel we got. The food was not good enough to overlook the disinterested service.

 Posted by at 7:02 pm